6 Ways To Double Your Money Safely (#1 Way Gets 100x)

When it comes to double the money, the top priority should be to do it safely. You should never take risks and should avoid Ponzi schemes.

That’s why we have discussed six legit ways to double your money safely.

Before you learn about legit ways to invest your money, here is an additional thing I want to share with new investors.

I have three suggestions for new investors who want to invest and double the money.

  1. Never tell anyone you want to invest, especially on the internet. Otherwise, you will get tons of Ponzi schemes where they will suppose to double your money in a few days, weeks, or months. Here are common scams and frauds about investments. Most scammers use untraceable methods to reach you, like emails, telegrams, or fake numbers.
  2. Never invest if you don’t understand it. It’s possible that people might be making sound money with some platforms, apps, or schemes. If this doesn’t make sense to you, let people enjoy it.
  3. Never invest if you feel greedy about it.

Now, as you know, money is precious, and you shouldn’t invest blindly; here are the top six legit ways to double your money; the #1 method, if used appropriately and for long-term holding, can give you 100x on your investments. However, the risk is involved.

Here are the most secure and practical ideas to double your money legally.

Invest in Digital Currency

Here is how to invest in digital currency to double tripe, 100x or 1000x your investments

Regarding how to double your money, holding cryptocurrency for the long term is one of the most secure and best investment ideas. Cryptocurrency can give you miraculous returns on long-term holdings.

Many people used to believe crypto isn’t secure, but that’s not true. Someone introduced bitcoin to secure transactions worldwide without interfering with local governments, and people appreciated it.

Nowadays, the majority are using digital currency to make deals and transfer money. Some countries have started accepting bitcoin as legal tender – El Salvador is the first one. Iran and Russia have also started accepting cryptocurrency for foreign trade. All this makes cryptocurrency a very safe investment.

However, people make mistakes in crypto while choosing their cryptocurrencies. It’s way better to hire an expert to find coins for you.

Well, if we keep the risk aside, the digital currency has indeed become the safest way to hundreds of multiples (if not thousands) on your investments.

Let’s understand how it works and how cryptocurrency will double our money.

For instance,1 Bitcoin, which’s the #1 digital currency in terms of investments, does not have a fixed value. If people keep buying it, its value will increase; if they keep selling it, its value will decrease.

Not so long ago, when the COVID-19 pandemic started, the price of 1 BTC went down below $4000, and after nine months, its value went back to $19000. Its value has touched $69,000 and is back below $17,000.

That means those who purchased 1 Bitcoin in April 2020 at $5000 and sold at $60,000 got 12 times his money.

If we go back, we see that those who purchased Bitcoin for $1 have made thousands of times their investments in a decade.

Here is another fantastic example.

This coin $SPA went 300% in a day, and then it came back to 217% (check on the screenshot). The Huobi Global exchange listed $SPA today, which is why people took huge benefits.

If you had invested $1000, it was more than $3000 in a day. It’s three times, even more than double. We have noticed that investing in digital currency is the fastest way to double your money.

In short, if you learn cryptocurrency trading, you can easily double your money in a day, or at least you can invest in cryptocurrency for the long term.

You can find many courses on Udemy about cryptocurrency trading.

Open a Savings Account

Frankly speaking, I don’t recommend it because opening a savings account means you don’t believe in yourself. Once you doubt yourself, you can never start a business and make money from a business.

But according to research, 71 percent of Americans still use savings accounts, and most have about $5000 in their accounts. That’s why we included this in our list.

The biggest reason for using a savings account to double money is safety and confidence. Savings accounts are safe, and you are 100% sure they will double your cash one day.

However, it’s a slow method to earn profits on your investment, and you should do it only when you believe you can not do business.

Different countries have different interest rates. In the United States, it’s low, but interest rates are too high in some other countries.

Getting the highest 10% interest on your investments will still take ten years to double your assets. And if the interest rate is 5%, it will take 20 years. And if it’s 0.5%, your grandsons might see your doubled money.

In the end, opening a savings account is indeed the easiest way to double your money, but it depends on your country how long it will take.

Insurance (5x your small investments)

If you buy an insurance policy, it gives 5x in one or two decades and takes money in installments.

Usually, insurance is considered paid after death, but that’s not the case for everyone. 10 to 20 years isn’t a lifelong time, especially when you are paying in installments.

So, we can say that the easiest and safest long-term investment to get a significant multiple on your investments is to get an insurance policy.

You might wonder what they do with your money. How can they pay you more than 5x?

The simple answer is they do business wisely.

If you want to buy an insurance policy, make sure you only go for a legit insurance company (that must not be new, at least).

Start a Business

Starting a business is something I love the most because it gives you confidence and is the fastest way to double your money with your abilities.

There are hundreds of business ideas; if you learn, you can start any business.

For instance, if you are a developer, you might get some great startup ideas, and if you have some other skills, you can start a business in your niche.

Even if you learn how to buy and sell cars, you can 2x your money flipping cars with the used car dealership business.

As I mentioned above, most investors can’t start a business because they don’t believe in their abilities. They don’t ever think that they can make things happen.

The primary reason behind this belief is that they haven’t learned the business in their lives. And this is the topmost reason behind business failure.

Robert Kiyosaki says our school doesn’t teach us business; they build a Jobian mentality. Even the subjects you choose aren’t relevant to the business. Those subjects can teach you how to be a good employee of a business firm, but they will never guide you or give you the confidence to begin a startup.

That’s why such educated people are serving business minds.

Today’s successful business people are those, who invested their time and money in the marketplace, experienced things on their own or learned from experts, increased their financial IQ by reading books, and sometimes lost their money to learn precious lessons. Today, they are called entrepreneurs and have 80 percent of the world’s wealth in their hands.

So if you’re committed to doubling or tripling your investments with profits, and making it a long-lasting passive income source, then starting a business is something you really need.

Here are some tips that an entrepreneur must not forget before getting into it.

  • Never start a business without learning it.
  • Never start a business that you don’t like yourself.
  • Always learn from experts, not from failures.
  • Always have a big vision but be very clear and specific about your actions.
  • Always start with small investments.

Invest in Forex Trading

Investing in forex is the fastest way to double your money.

No doubt that Forex has its glamour that attracts traders and investors. It’s another best way to double your money online without getting into trouble. Some experts double their cash in 1 hour with forex trading when they have pretty authentic market news; they trade live on YouTube or in their private groups.

As it can double your money in minutes, it can also wipe off your cash in minutes, so make sure to keep the following helpful tips in mind.

  • Always learn it hard before getting into it. Learn it from an expert. Investing in a course will be worth your money.
  • Never trust anyone to play the forex game for you. Never get into group investments and all that. All are a scam.
  • Never trust a broker without complete verification. There is a massive list of scam brokers that are waiting for beginners to loot them. So make sure to verify a broker 100 times before trusting the broker.
  • Beaware if a broker only accepts Bitcoin or crypto payments. Here is how you can spot Bitcoin scammers.
  • Always keep good capital in hand if you’re trying to get into it.

If you don’t want to follow the tips mentioned above, please, avoid this method because I don’t want you to lose your hard-earned cash.

Invest in Real Estate

If you are not sure how to double your money and are looking for the best method for it, then real estate is the one for you.

Every business demands business education. If you don’t have time to learn it, the other best option is to hire an external consultant who could guide you.

In terms of security, real estate is far better than forex and cryptocurrency business because, in this case, you have your money in your hands or your control.

For example, you purchased land or a house, or you’re constructing a building. Everything is under your control, which’s a plus point.

The only disadvantage of this business is that you can’t start it with small cash. This business could be a great fit for big investors.

Invest in Stocks

With margin trading, invest in stocks to double your money in a few minutes.

Among all the other best ways to double your money, investing in stock is the favorite one.

If you have some investments that you don’t want to put at risk and are still curious to double your money in a couple of days or months, investing in the shares market is the easiest way to double your money.

Although, like all other businesses, it’s better to learn this business or invest through a well-reputed broker who will take care of your money.

The only question that might come to your mind is, how long does it take to double your money in the stock market?

If you are an expert trader and play it safe, it can take a month to double your money in stocks. But if you do margin trading, it’s the fastest way to double your money in stocks. It will take a couple of minutes to double your money in stocks. However, margin trading involves high risks, and one must avoid margin trading unless one gets authentic news in the market.

Final words

You must be looking for quick ways to double your money. Best in terms of safety, security and return. Isn’t it? We have answered your query with the easiest ways to double your money safely and quickly.

When it comes to making money there are dozens of ways to make money; sometimes, you get it with manifestation, sometimes, you get cash instantly for free, and most of the time, you earn it with business.

Among all those methods, there are easy ways to double the cash, which everyone can follow and increase their net worth within a specific period.

We have extracted all those easy ways to double your money quickly and safely. And #1 method is the best method for instant money double.

The methods we discussed aren’t limited to country or city. No matter in which country you are; USA, UK, Canada, South Africa, Nigeria, Philippines, India, UAE, or any other country in the world, you can surely double your money safely and quickly. Even some methods can 1000x your assets within a period.