Crypto Day Trading (An Open Letter For Beginners)

Disclaimer: I always say that I am not your financial advisor; I only share what I do in my trading. I started day trading more than a year ago, and most of my trades were at a loss. But now, it’s not the case. I found that I was making mistakes that every beginner makes. I have already shared those crypto trading mistakes that all beginners make.

Now, let me tell you why I thought to write an open letter for beginners who want to start day trading and make profits on crypto.

You might not know that I am an SEO expert as well. I usually find keywords to write articles on, but I didn’t think of any keywords this time. I just thought of you and am glad I found you.

I am not sure for which search terms you will find this article, and I really don’t care about that.

I just believe that if you are a beginner and want to start crypto day trading, this is for you. And you will surely find it somehow, somewhere.

Letter for Crypto Day trading beginners

Hey dude, sit down and listen to me carefully.


Because I will help you understand why you are losing your money most of the time, and how you can change it.

Isn’t it important to sit with calm, and listen to me carefully?

Glad you got me.

As I am always open and I don’t hide anything, that’s why I would tell you how all this started.

As I mentioned earlier, I am an SEO expert, and I rank my sites myself. Earlier, I have worked for one client as well.

He sent me $btc for payments and one other company (paying me for affiliate commissions).

At that time, Bitcoin’s price was roughly $5k.

I had no idea what that is, and if worth keeping.

I kept on selling every time. lol

In the last bull run, I saw that many coins in my wallet were pumping hard. I thought to trade with them. That time my client had sent me $350.

That was the first payment I thought to compromise on, even if I lost.

There was a huge exchange fee, and I complained to my friend who was good at forex trading.

He said there is an exchange Binance App, the fee is pretty low, you should trade in that exchange.

I moved to the Binance App, and it was how all this started. (Nowadays, I mostly trade on MEXC because they list coins easily so that you can get huge profits here.)

As it was bull run period, all the coins were pumping hard. One day, I had $300, and the other day, it was $650. It became fun for me.

But everything changed pretty soon.

I started losing and even lost a huge portion in one big mistake. I invested in PUMP and DUMP and lost much of it.

I had $40 remaining. OMG, it all vanished.

Then I realized that I had lost everything.

I thought to be careful this time. I joined a premium service for price predictions and even found a few coins for day trading.

Those $40 became $85 within days. Yeah, excellent move.

It built confidence.

For the first time, I purchased a few hundred; they were $300. The other $85 was now $125.

The total $425 went to $1200 before the biggest crash of the previous season.

As I had no idea of corrections and all that, it again went down. I kept on adding more and more, and it kept on going down. lol

I kept on adding because I used to believe in it.

I don’t regret losing most of my money because it was all my mistake.

Do you know what that mistake was?

I didn’t learn crypto trading.

Once I learned it, it all changed of a sudden.

Sooner I realized that all cryptocurrencies have their patterns, and if you know the pattern well, you can predict anything with accuracy.

For instance, two days ago, I saw that one coin pumped hard and broke two big resistances within a couple of hours. It went 42 from 23.

I told my group’s fellows (who are also trading with me) that it would come back to 25. I said 25, but it moved back from 26.85.

Can you just imagine that if a coin broke the resistances, and someone says, no, it has to follow the pattern so it will come back. 

Would you believe him?

Most of the beginners won’t.

Look, crypto trading is all about patterns, and anyone with an average IQ can easily learn it.

It didn’t happen for the first time. Nowadays, I tell my friends even the starting and closing points, and it happens most of the times.


Is this genius?


It’s about easy math. The math that anyone can learn and must learn.

So if you are interested in doing crypto day trading, then here is what you must do to make money all the time. No matter it is a bull market or a bearish market.

Here are a few lessons that can change your life.

Whales control the market

First of all, you should always keep in mind that it’s not you and me controlling the market. It’s BIG whales who control everything.

They do invest in cryptocurrencies; they do day trading.

Got it?

As they trade, they leave some clues, if they want to start a bull run, they have different moves, and if they want to get everything down, then the clues are different.

If you got the signal, how beneficial could it be?


If you can get those signals, you are never at a loss.

Crypto trading always has corrections

I am saying you, again and again, the pattern, the pattern, the pattern.

What the heck is that pattern?

Basically, it starts with corrections. Corrections make patterns.

There are always corrections on each level of trading.

It can be 1m, 5m, 15m, 1H. 4H, 1day, 1week or 1mon, trading, there is always a correction one each level. And it always starts with 1m trading.

Say it’s a 1m correction, you wait, it’s a 15 min correction, you take profit, it’s a 1H correction, you quit, it’s a 4H correction, you panic sell, if it’s a 1day correction, you call it a correction, if it’s a weekly correction, you call it crash, and it’s monthly correction, you call it the biggest crash.

Basically, the correction is called confirmation to move on.

No matter on which level you draw that pattern, you will see that it’s following a pattern. And sometimes, it will skip that pattern.

Once it skipped the pattern for a long move, keep in mind that it has come back. And it will surely come back.

Is this really difficult to understand?

Com’on, dude, it’s pretty easy.

If others can do it, you can do it.

From where should you start learning crypto trading?

I used to believe that it’s so easy that you can learn it from free content. But if you want to become an expert, then you should learn from an expert.

The question might arise in your mind: what should you focus on more if you want to do crypto day trading.

If it’s about crypto day trading, then you should learn candles.

Every candle has a signal, and if you pick the signal, you can easily make a profit.

What? How hard is this?

Well, how hard is it it is to remember some shapes?

It’s not tough more than that.

So if you really want to make money with crypto day trading, it’s way way way much better to invest your one week learning it and never take a risk on your money.

You even won’t be required to rely on others. It’s all in your hands, and it’s safe.

PS: If you believe that I have tried to help you, then you can use my affiliate links to join crypto trading exchanges. It won’t cost you anything extra but will reward me with a small commission.

Remember, these affiliate links were not the reason for this letter; it was you. So you may or may not use the following links to join the exchanges.



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